Issue Position: Trade

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020
Issues: Trade

With Trump's steel and aluminum tariffs (like everything else), he acts or tweets without thinking or listening. But politicians are just as wrong when they overlook American workers' justifiable frustration over the series of bad trade deals and economic policies pursued by China and others that led to Trump's tariff action.

We need a fighter in Congress who will stand up for trade policies that protect workers' rights and end the race to the economic bottom for workers around the world. It's time for a new trade regime aimed not at freeing capital to move all the work where wages are lowest, worker safety regulations are the weakest and environmental protections lacking, but rather at raising the standard of living for workers in all countries involved and protecting our one, precious planet everywhere.

We need to crack down on dumping, currency manipulation, theft of intellectual property and other violations by China and any others who do the same. Let's change our tax policies to incentivize creating good jobs at home, and increase job training and apprenticeships.
